Inauguration of Tamsoult School, Al Haouz Region !

Inauguration of Tamsoult School, Al Haouz Region !

Date : November 23, 2024

Location : Ait Hkim Ait Yazid (AL Haouz Region)

The idea for Tamsoult School was conceived shortly after the earthquake, when it became clear that rebuilding the region required not only restoring homes and infrastructure but also creating a strong foundation for future generations.

The project was led by the two associations Morocco Foundation and A Better Tomorrow, and it was completed within 4 months.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Tamsoult School’s creation has been the strong involvement of the local community and authorities, whose unwavering support was key to making the school a reality. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to them for their help and dedication. Special thanks to everyone who participated for their guidance and commitment, which not only ensured the completion of the project but also made this school a lasting symbol of hope for future generations.

The inauguration ceremony was filled with emotion as the generous people of Ait Hkim gathered to celebrate the completion of the school. To mark this joyous occasion, they celebrated with a very special “Ahwach” performance.

In these pictures, Tamsoult School stands proudly in what might initially appear to be the middle of nowhere. However, far from being empty, this is a place where resilient people and dedicated students give their best every single day.

Morocco Foundation